2019 Summer School Global Health & Tropical Medicine in Würzburg | July 29 - August 10

Liebe Alumni der Sommerakademie,

auf mehrfache Nachfrage hin haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Sommerakademie 2019 in englischer Sprache zu gestalten, um sie auch für ausländische Studenten und Referenten zu öffnen.

Wir wären Euch sehr dankbar, wenn Ihr nachfolgende Ankündigung mit dem angehängten vorläufigen Programm zirkulieren würdet.

Herzlichen Dank!

Application open until May 12th!

From July 29th until August 10th 2019, the Summer School 


Global Health & Tropical Medicine will run for the 22nd year!

For the first time, the summer school will be in English in order to includes international guests and speakers! The program will run over two weeks and include lectures and group work sessions covering a vast range of topics from both “global health” as well as “tropical medicine”. The critical reflection of both of these terms will also be part of the program.

The summer school is open to medical students after their 3rd year, doctors in training, nurses and nursing students in their final year as well as members of other health professions in either their final phase of training or early professional years.

Participation in the summer school not only helps to prepare participants for internships or work in low-resource-settings, but also helps to gain a deeper insight into the broad global social, political and environmental determinants of health in all settings.

Topics include:

Social determinants of health, global burden of disease

Non-communicable diseases & evidence-based public health

Planetary health and climate change

Antimicrobial resistancies (AMR)

Neglected tropical diseases

Public health implications and clinical management of malaria, HIV, TB, schistosomiasis, chagas, ebola and other infectious diseases

Global maternal and child health

Mental health

Migrant health

(Historical reflection of) Humanitarian aid & development cooperation

and others…

 For registration and the preliminary program please click here or visit:
